General Appointment

Appointment & Enquiry

We value your time and trust.

How to Book an Appointment

To make an appointment please use our online appointment system, call our friendly reception team or attend in person at Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic.

Appointment Arrival

Please arrive a little before your scheduled appointment time as there can be some documentation or other matters to attend to before your appointment.

It is also helpful if you bring all the necessary documents (including your Medicare Card) to ensure a smooth process.

What to Expect

When you attend your appointment you will be greeted on arrival by our friendly reception team, and your details will be recorded/checked. 

For health and safety reasons, children cannot accompany patients in the treatment rooms and will not be supervised by our staff.

For us to provide you with the best service, it is important that you share with us all the information requested when completing consent forms or when asked about any factors which may affect your treatment. Due care and skill are always exercised when treating our patients, but it is your responsibility to identify whether a treatment or product is right for you.

Patients should also hold realistic expectations of the results that are achievable through treatments they receive. Please work with your skin doctor or dermal therapist to determine what results you are likely to achieve.


Patient Enquiry Form

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