Health Checks & Care Plans

Health Checks


Our wellness programs vary depending on individual needs, but regular Health Checks are an important preventative health component of these strategies. 

We offer the following regular Health Checks:

  • Blood pressure check
  • Heart checks
  • Diabetes screening
  • Colon cancer screening
  • Eye examination
  • Cholesterol screening
  • Breast examination
  • Immunisations
  • Physical examination
  • Health assessments
  • Weight management clinics
  • Chronic disease case management
  • Cervical screening (Pap Test) and Pelvic Examination
A black and white icon of a clipboard with a checklist on it. Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Free Health Check if you're aged 45-49

If you are aged between 45 and 49, you can book a free health check with us.

Entering middle age presents a whole new host of health challenges for many people. The Australian Department of Health categorises those aged between 45 and 49 as the demographic most at risk of developing a chronic illness.

As an Australian government health care initiative, your consultation will be fully funded by Medicare. As such, you will not be charged for the assessment.

Free Health Check if you're aged 75 and above

Annual checkups are recommended for anyone aged 75 years and over. Our team conduct thorough checks of your medical history and examinations during health checks. Health assessments run for approximately one hour, including 30 minutes with a practice nurse followed by 30 minutes with your GP.

Book your health check today

We are committed to the ongoing care of your health and wellbeing. Therefore, we highly recommended this free health assessment to all eligible patients. We encourage you to make an appointment with us at your earliest convenience.

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