develops on areas of the body that have more exposure to the sun, such as the head, face, neck, shoulders, lower arms and lower legs, but can occure anywhere on the body
may appear as a pearl-coloured lump or as a slighty scaly area that is shiny and pale or bright pink in colour; some appear darker
may bleed and become inflamed; may appear to heal then become inflamed again
usually appears on parts of the body most often exposed to the sun, such as the head, neck, hands, forearms and lower legs, but can start snywher on th body
may bleed and become inflamed, and is often tender to touch
often appears as a thickened, red, scaly or crusted spot or rapidly growing lump
is more common as you set older
can aapear as a new or existing spot on the body that changes size, shape or colour over several weeks to months
often has an irregular edge and either a flat or raised surface
may be more than one coulour (brown, black, blue, red, white, light grey, pink or the color of your skin)
The signs of non-cancerous skin spots
May develop into skin cancer
flat,scaly spot that feels rough; often the colour of your skin or red
Dysplastic naevus
mole with an irregular shape and uneven colour
brown, black or the same colour as your skin; usually round or oval