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How Skin checks can save lives
Dr Thilan Walgamage • October 8, 2021

Every year in Australia skin cancer causes more deaths than transport accidents. At least 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70. The skin cancer risk is much higher in men than in women. 67% of Australians who die from skin cancer are men. We take skin cancer awareness and treatment very seriously and hope this article helps you to understand why do you need regular skin checks.

Our Skin, The largest organ..

Our skin is the largest body organ that covers our entire body. It keeps us from injuries, regulates our body temperature, and prevents us from being dehydrated. Skin is also made up of cells like our entire body. However, the abnormal cells' uncontrolled growth in our skin can lead to skin cancer. There are different types and levels of skin cancer as well.

Regular skin checks are essential to reduce the risks of death from skin cancers as it helps for early detection.

Why are regular skin checks necessary?

Regular skin checks by a doctor specialized in dermoscopy are one of the best ways for early detection and more effective skin cancer treatment.

  • With the continuously rising risks of skin cancer in Australia, the need for earlier skin cancer detection and prevention is paramount.
  • In any case, more than 95% of skin cancers are treatable if found early.
  • General practitioners are at the skin cancer detection's frontline, given they have above a million patient consultations for cancer per year.

However, when it comes to skin cancer prevention and earlier diagnosis for better treatments, regular skin checks are essential for comprehensive assessment and examination for skin cancer evidence. Regular skin checks must be a part of your primary care.

Higher risks of developing skin cancer in Australia:

Most of the people who are living in Australia are more prone to develop skin cancer.

There are various reasons which are causing skin cancer in Australia, including sun exposure is causing around 95% of melanoma skin cancers and 99% of non-melanoma skin cancers in Australia.

Even more, about 2 of 3 people in Australia are going to be diagnosed with skin cancer before their 70s. And most importantly, the risk of developing skin cancer is higher in men in Australia.

In Australia, many people elect to have regular skin checks because they are more prone to develop skin cancers for various reasons.

You may have a higher risk of developing skin cancer in Australia if you have:

  1. Fair skin that doesn't get tanned and burns easily.
  2. Suffered sunburn previously.
  3. A large number of moles and freckles on your skin.
  4. Used a solarium
  5. Working or spending more time under the sun
  6. A personal or family history of skin cancer.

When should you start your regular skin checks?

Generally, you should include your regular skin checks in your primary care. But if you are developing any skin spot that is causing pain or changing its shape, size, and color rapidly, then you must visit a skincare professional for a proper skin check as soon as possible.

Australia is leading the world in death due to skin cancer.

Even though this seems unusual but it is a scary statistic. The high UV levels ingrained love of the sun are making it easier to see how the diagnosis can stack up quickly.

That's why you must start your regular skin checks as soon as possible. 

Final Thoughts:

Overall, in any case, an earlier detection with regular skin check, simple care, and treatment can lead you to total removal of skin cancer. Therefore, regular skin checks are important for people in Australia and everyone worldwide to stay healthy.

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